Buhari Is A Leader And Not A Politican- Atiku

We just had an election which has been widely regarded as the real transition, because an opposition party has taken over from the ruling party. How do you see it? 

 Well, I will disagree with you because the real transition to democracy was when the military got out of power and we had a democratically elected government. The fact that in about 16 years or so we now have an opposition party taking over from a ruling party should not be seen as the real transition to democracy. For sure, it is healthy for our democratic process but certainly I will disagree with you. 

 What kind of opposition do you think PDP will present?

 I will like to see a very viable opposition, so that Nigerians can have a choice. If you don’t like the performance APC, You Vote PDP. 

 Do you see the new PDP which you led as being critically instrumental to this change that we now have? 

 Of course, many groups were instrumental to this change because it required the coming together of political parties to form this viable opposition and alternative to the PDP. So, everybody played a role. There are names that have been mentioned as those who played a great role to bring about this change. 

What role do you think the Yar’Adua group played in bringing about this change?

 The Yar’Adua political group is almost in every political party in this country; even Asiwaju Bola Tinubu was part of the Yar’Adua political group. So, whichever way you look at it, coming from the PDP, I was part of the Yar’Adua political group. Asiwaju from AD, AC and then ACN, I mean we scattered kind of but it is not surprising that we are all regrouping into one big political family. 

What is your relationship and personal knowledge of the president? 

 I have known him for a very long time now. When he was head of state during the military administration, I was still in the Federal Civil Service and I implemented some of his policies at that time as a civil servant. Since then, I have known him as an astute leader and a tough one for that matter and I think we should brace up for that kind of tough leadership. 

 Tough leadership, but politicians may not find that funny? 

 Well the point is that he is a leader, he may not be a politician but certainly he is a good leader and he can lead well. And that is all that you are looking for in politics.

 You are a politician, any difference between you and him?

 Quite a lot! What are these differences? As a politician, I may see things in different perspectives from him and vice versa.

Many have described President Buhari as the Abraham Lincoln of our time; do you see any similarities in their political sojourn? 

 Well, I don’t understand the similarities they are trying to draw because Abraham Lincoln contested about 12 times and Buhari contested for three times and won on the fourth. Is it the age? 

 Maybe the perseverance… 

 Yes, he may have persevered, but he is still short of Abraham Lincoln. However, I commend his perseverance and courage to continue. 

 You have no doubt carved a niche for yourself in Nigerian politics and in the build up to the 2015 polls, you came across as one of the most prepared presidential aspirants. It wasn’t your first outing. What has been the driving force?

 It’s because whatever I set my mind to do, I like doing it very well and I like preparing to do it well. This is the difference between me and others. 

 What was your immediate reaction to the primaries after the announcement of the results? 

 To be honest, my immediate reaction was that I recalled Jos in 1993. Some people didn’t want me to emerge and I did not emerge. But they did not stop me from my destination. In 1998, six years later, I became what they did not want me to become. And when the results were announced I said to myself that it was just a repeat of what happened in Jos and I clapped.

 Was the outcome surprising or shocking to you? 

Absolutely not.
That brings back the memories of 1993 to me.

 Between this election and that of 1993 can you draw a parallel? 

 Well, I will compare them in the sense that the political chess game that took place in Jos and what happened now is almost the same. And that is why I said, if you are destined to be something, nobody will stop you. You will still get there no matter how people try to stop you from getting there.


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